1. Q: Is this Free? Don’t you wan’t my Liver, Lungs or a Kidney?
Yes! This App is completely Free. No Paywall. No Organ Donor Contract.
2. Q: WHY?
Cause i can … and I think there should be a Free and Easy Alternative for everything.
3. Q: Does this App work with Multiple NanoLeaf? (More than one NanoLeaf Controller)
4. Q: Does this work with the Canvas, the Shapes and the Lines?
5. Q: Do i have to be Twitch Affiliate/Partner to use it?
No. If you just started Streaming you can use it too! Even a simple Color change on a new Follower can be cool!
6. Q: Do Rythm Effects work?
Yes. But you should rename them in the Mobile App so that they can be spotted easy inside the Trigger Dropdown.(Soundbar > SoundbarRythm)
7. Q: Can i make a Single Color Effect?
Yes! as Version 2.0+ you can use Solid Colors directly in the App … for older Versions don’t just use the Single Color or Solid Color Tab in the Mobile Nanoleaf App! Create a Multicolor Effect and name it “Blue” then edit the Color Palette and remove all other Colors you dont want. Repeat for other Colors!
8. Q: I installed the App but if i click the Shortcut in the StartMenu … nothing happens?
Please check these Things:
1. You have Windows Media Player installed and activated
2. You don’t have Software or Hardware (like a RaspberryPie with PieHole) that blocks connections to Google Analytics or locxserv.de
3. Browse to %AppData%\NanoTwitchLeafs and delete the settings.txt
9. Q: How do i Test Alerts? If i click on the Test Button on (InsertSomeAlertServiceHere) nothing happens!?
Sadly … Twich doesnt has any Way to TestSub or send TestBits. You can Test Follows, Hosts and Raids with other Twitch Accounts and your Streamer Account has unlimited ChannelPoints. But you could create a Command, write !nano help in the Chat and test it. If that works … everything else should work too!
10. Q: This is to good to be true!
If you not sure about all this … read all the Opinions of other Streamers >>>HERE<<<