This is a fantastic product for controlling Nano devices!!
I’ve tried other paid products, and really struggled with them. The NanoTwitchLeaf has great features that are easy to activate like having name colours change the lights – simple, and awesome features!
The commands and reactions are so easy to set up, and the support available makes it the perfect choice for anyone wanting solid, reliable control of their nano devices 😀
Works perfect!
Works perfectly fine! So many possibilities. Love the streamer/chatbot option. Easy set up, at least for me. Kind of shocked this site is ad free and there’s so much support from the dev, just like that.
Easy recommend!
Cheers Frannie
Log Upload and contact the support
the app tells me to upload the logant contact the support,because my app is not running.
best regards
Finaly perfect
After some help from Locxion that i apparantly didnt need.. everything works perfect!!!!!!
I had a specific issue, and now my stream is amazing after my 1 on 1 sit down. Super helpful and available
This app is amazing!
My viewers absolutely love being able to control my nanoleafs. It makes for a ton of fun and also getting people to stick around and see what else they can do (I have a ton of secret keywords set to do things) while it also increases activity in my chat. Setup is easy and straightforward.
My only wish is that there was an Apple version of this bot as well.
Just the perfect program for your stream
Its the perfect application for your stream. Works great.
Better than paid applications (would love StreamElements Integration)
This is seriously exactly what I wanted. The app is easy to use and the fact that it uses the built in scenes on my Nanoleafs makes it even better. The one thing that would make this five stars for me would be StreamElements integration. I recently moved away from Stream Labs after the StreamlabsOBS name debacle and would love to have my lights trigger to donations through StreamElements.
Otherwise awesome app!
Exactly what i've searched for!
As my stream pc is not very good hardware-wise, i searched for a light weight option to inegrate the nanoleaf into my stream. And boy, does it deliver! Using it for around a week now and i am super happy with the software. I really love the option to let the nanos show the color of my chatters names – in my opinion the greatest feature ever! I turned on the option to let the developer see my twitch name and he took a short visit and we talked a bit, which was super funny! He seems to be a really cool guy. Keep it going bro! Super good App you made there!
Great until...
I had a great experience with this app until an update a few months ago, now it doesn’t work for me and I cannot find out why.
Response from NanoTwitchLeafs
Hey 😀 Please contact us on our Discord! We would be happy to help!
What a boss dev. Even came to my stream to help set it up. 5/5 would recommend this amazing app!
The great connection!
I was looking for something to help my viewers interact more with my stream, this was it!! Great program, amazing support, they even go around streams making sure everything is going good!
Keep up the great work, you’ve created something amazing here!
Love this tool!
Easy to use and has some awesome features! Love it!
Fantastic Support
I was having an issue with the install and Locxion was immediately available to help and provided top notch support. He resolved my issue quickly. I was not expecting that type of support. I started with a post on Discord and within a minute or two he had responded. I’m really looking forward to tying this in with my streams. I played around for quite a while last night and the interface is easy to work with. Thank you for your support and your product!
Deutscher Support
Moin Leute, um 01:00 nachts ein Problem bei der Einstellung der Leafs und Twitch gehabt, und Locxion direkt über den Discord-Server kontaktiert.
Der Nette Herr war sich nicht zu fein in den Stream zu kommen und mir live zu helfen. Und hat sogar ein Follow da gelassen.
Ich bin froh das es noch so hilfsbereite Menschen gibt.
GGez Locxion
Really responsive
Over last few months been trying out a few different solutions to integrate with twitch, and have found this to be the best option hands down. Reliable and fast response, easy to use and setup.
Gerade getestet
Super gut gemacht 1A Support jedem zu empfehlen
Einfach nur geil
Es ist ne super umgesetzte idee, muss dem ganzen bei mir nur noch den letzten Feinschliff geben.
2 verschiedene Nanos über nanotwitchleaf verbinden
Hallo ist es möglich 2 verschieden nanos über twicht zu verbinden das es wie eins aussieht?
danke für die antwort
liebe grüsse Phil
Response from NanoTwitchLeafs
Ja das ist möglich. Es lassen sich auch verschiedene Typen verbinden. Bisher werden die Auroa, Canvas und alle Shapes unterstützt.
Wunderbare Spielerei mit einigem an Potential!
Funktioniert wunderbar und man kann viel Zeit reininvestieren.
Da das Tool auch die Kanal-Punkte nutzen kann, bietet es auch längerfristig viel und ist auch ein kleiner Anreiz, um sich mehr mit dem Thema Streaming zu befassen und sich etwas aufzubauen.
Meine Zuschauer nutzen es noch nicht, aber ich bin ja auch ein sehr kleiner Channel 😛
Der Support via Discord kann sich ebenfalls sehen lassen und das FAQ beantwortet schon viele Fragen.
Danke für die Möglichkeit!
Love it
works good! easy to setup 🙂 thank you
Superb support and nice program
Despite small issues that was more related to the actual panels and not the program the developer was super friendly giving amazing support, checking my VOD when I had issues and tuning in later on to check that everything was running ok.
Geiles Teil!
vielen Dank das du dies entwickelt hast, die Leute bei mir im Stream stehen auf diese Spielerei und ich werde sie aktiv nutzen!
Perfekt läuft echt super gut.
Großes Lob an den Programmierer.
Meine Zuschauer sind begeistert ?
Phenomenal Piece of Software that is a Necessity if you have NanoLeaf on your Stream!
I had my Device set up in literally under 5 minutes, but I was having trouble getting my notifications to react on the lights for some reason. I literally went live to just test them out and the Dev hopped into the stream and helped me get them working in a snap! It was totally user error on my part. I had missed the right line to create the stream Channel Points interaction on, and i couldn’t test it with a test follow on Streamlabs OBS. but I have it working like a dream now!
Thank you for this awesome software! keep rocking it buddy!
best support
The app in ti self is amazing but the guys that run the tech support are even better!! There always there to help on the 1 or 2 problems that I have had with the program that one of them was even my error hahaha I really recommend the app.
Awesome software with so many options to use my Nanoleafs on Twitch !!
I was surprised to get such a awesome software for free. Now I am able to motivate my audience in a total new way to spend channel point, bits and subs. Thank you so much for this great piece of software. Really well done. Looking forward for next version and new functions.
Geil, definitiv 5 Sterne
Ich nutze die APP seit knapp 10 Tage und bin absolut begeistert was alles möglich ist.
alle Alert kann man einbinden und bin sehr zufrieden. Die Zuschauer feiern es
Very Positive
Absolute Top Software, einfach Genial. Fettes THX an den Entwickler, mach weiter so.
Awesome Program!
If I’m honest, I had reservations downloading this program and giving it the network access and twitch access that you do. I have to say I’m so glad I downloaded it. The developer is awesome and very helpful when trying to troubleshoot some minor issues. Overall, the program runs great. The autodetection worked flawlessly and I have not experienced any connectivity issues since I paired my device. There are tons of options for how you can change the lights and the interface is very user friendly and straight forward. It upped the overall quality and community interaction of my twitch channel. There was only one instance of it crashing throughout a 7 hour stream although it was not a big deal at all, I reopened it and all worked perfectly again. Great features and I highly recommend this to any content creators with nanoleafs.
Amazing features.
Tons of features. I especially like the channel points stuff.
Danke für den Support
Ich hatte Probleme meine Nanoleafs ordentlich mit Twitch zu verbinden, auf einmal taucht Locxion in meinem Chat auf und Hilft mir dabei die Nanoleafs richtig einzustellen, Top Support, die Nano Twitch Leafs App kann man nur empfehlen. Ich danke die Locxion
This is the best thing since bread!
Amazing software, easy to use, great community. I wished this existed then there it was!
Program is awesome, some permissions are not
I really like this program for the most part, but I’m not a huge fan of reading my whispers since that has nothing to do with my stream. Everything works as it should and making all sorts of stream interactions is easy. Really plays nicely with animations in the nanoleaf app and lets you use them for pretty much anything, even just keywords (I like using keywords for my friend’s names so they get a little color change every time someone mentions them)
idk, as much as i love it, i’m worried about my information since the program monitors literally everything through twitch. i wish there was a method that felt more secure, but i guess we’re always being watched by everyone anyway.
Response from NanoTwitchLeafs
Hi 😀 thanks for your Opinion!
The App needs Permissions to Read and Write to your Whsipers for the Whisper Mode (Wich prevents spamming of Messages in to the Chat and sends Messages through Whispers to your Viewers). Most Chat- and Moderatorbots have this Feature too!
The Whispers can also be a Part of Debugging and Problem solving if someone has Problems with the App. (Debug Mode in the Settings)
Neither I or anyone else “Monitors” “literally everything”. You even have the Choice to disable the Analytics System.
If you have a Problem with these Permissions … just don’t use my App. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Mega geiles Ding
After Installing and going online i still had some minor issues, BUT the developer joined my chat after 5 minutes and helped me with every single detail. Thanks for everything, this software is 10/10 working, helpful, awesome and beautifully designed.
My community loves it!!!
This app is super amazing. it let me do some awesome stuff with my nano leafs. Sometimes it even alerts me before the action occurs haha Like the lights change a few seconds before the notification kicks in. And my community really likes the idea that they can control the lights with different commands. I’m always thinking of new ways to integrate my lights to my stream. And the customer support is super quick to help you. Oh and is FREE what more can I ask for!!
A boon to chat engagement and stream growth!
I installed NanoTwitchLeafs a couple of weeks ago. After a simple setup process I was off and running creating different scenes for Subs/Raids etc. Instantly my chat took notice as my Nano Leafs are in plain view during streaming. What’s wild is, once someone subbed and chat saw the lights react to it, someone else would want to sub and make the lights go off. This alone has made a measured growth in subs this last two weeks compared to weeks prior.
Taking it a step further, I’ve now created several simple, but non animated scenes that chat can use channel points to change, giving people a free way to interact with the stream and once again, as soon as people realized they could do it, they’ve been doing it nonstop. It keeps chat engaged in an entirely new way.
To top it off, Locxion has been incredibly helpful in both checking in on my stream to make sure things are running correctly and also answering my questions. Hats off to him for this wonderful little bit of software that has made such a drastic difference in chat engagement and a measured difference in my monthly subs. Cannot recommend this enough!
Was shown this app from a fellow streamer and after some small issues relating to linking and not being able to clear the settings after an re-install(until we reached out to the Dev and received a prompt response on which file to delete to fix it) we got it working AMAZINGLY. I like how it has just enough features to not be too confusing and the Dev has done a good job of trying to make the features that are available are easy enough to understand. For anything that takes a little more explination like Channel Point setup, its all in a single location in the ? at the top right. Works like a dream once you get it all figured out. I dont know if its possible, but I would like to see the app be able to recognize alerts like sub/follow/resub/bits/raid ETC and fire those the moment twitch sends the call for it, then return to the scene in the queue. I understand there may be some limitations that would prevent that though so I’m perfectly happy with how it is now. Only suggestion I would have would be to add to the main ? help in the top corner of the app, the file path and name of the file to delete if the app seems to crash on launch (settings.txt file)
So i was told about this app from a viewer, and i had some issues figuring it out at first (frikkin stoners) but once i got some help from a friend who really dived in, and we got it working great. im very impressed and very happy, hoping to go live with it for the first time!
Volume control
i like it. it’s very easy to handle.
if it’s possible please add the option to control the volume for the sounds.
Hard to understand.
Pretty difficult…
Response from NanoTwitchLeafs
Hey 😀 thanks for your Opinion! Would be cool if you could give me Feedback and tell my what is difficult?
Amazing work!
i love this app man so simple so good i even done tutorial in german lol it was good!
Bester Support Ever
Einfach krass wie er einen in Null Komma Nix eholfen hat soetwas ist einfach ein toller Support und ein richtig gute Sache . Vielen dank nochmal Kuss geht raus <3
Great software!
Love this software, support is the best if you’re a noob like me!!!
unique piece of software
Interacting and enabling our audience to be part of our stream is the most valuable asset. NanoTwitchLeafs enables us to reward long time viewers and make an visible impact for everyone else. The software works like a charme and is the perfect balance between easy setup and advanced settings. Great stuff! Looking forward to the next streams!
Love this so much. Had issues with the start of it but mod can on and helped me. They are very open to assist and when you get it working, its so great!!! Thank you for making this a reality!!!
Simple setup and perfectly automated
I spent more time trying to decide which scene I wanted for each command than I did the entire installation and command setup. The timers and commands let 500+ concurrent viewers have fun with the lights without any effort on my part. Any streamer with light panels not using this app is doing their community a disservice
Einfach nur TOP!
GEILE Idee, Super umgesetzt und super Support! Revolution des Streamings!
nanotwitchleaf for the WIN
This app the fact it is free is insane it gives your stream such a cool vibe and interaction for your viewers. The creator Locxion is super supportive and is always on hand if you need help. He came into my stream and troubleshooted some of my issues with me live which is such a personal touch you dont see from many people.
The greatest app I use for streaming!
Not only is this app fully customisable to add dynamic elements to your stream, when you’re having trouble there is a dedicated discord. I received one on one support when I couldn’t get something working and it was really a fantastic touch to the whole process.

“This App gives me the Possibility integrate my Viewers even more into my Steam. My Viewers can now the Points, they earn through watching the Stream, use to create evene more funny Moments in my Stream. Furthermore you can “give more back” to the Viewers for a Follower or a Raid if you set up Lighteffects for these Events. I personally think the App is great. Thanks to Locxi!”

“NanoTwitchLeafs is a must have if you are a streamer and have light panels. It’s super easy to set up and the chat loves that they can control the lights! I tried a couple of other options but this one was hands down the best. Simple and intuative with really great developer support! 10 out of 10 would install again!”

“Ich und meine Community lieben die “geupgradeten” Nanoleafs. Es bietet weitere unzählige Möglichkeiten den Stream zu individualisieren und ist somit für sowohl heranwachsende als auch bereits große Streamer ein must have. Ebenfalls wird einem bei Problemen oder Fragen von Locxion quasi direkt persönlich geholfen. 10/10!”
“NanoTwitchLeafs allowed me to bring that next level of integration to my community through Nanoleaf commands. The app is very straightforward and it just works. My friends love that they can control my lights and I love the interaction with both chat and Twitch events! The bottom line: if you stream on Twitch and you have Nanoleaves, you NEED this app!”
“NanoTwitchLeafs sind einfach ein MUSS für jeden Streamer der Nanoleafs besitzt. Die App ermöglicht meiner Community nicht nur lustige Momente via Farbwechsel festzuhalten, sondern gibt den verschiedensten Twitch Events (Follow,Host,Raid etc.) auch noch das gewisse Etwas! Meine Zuschauer lieben einfach diese Möglichkeit, via Command die Lichter zu kontrollieren! Hut ab an Locxion! Wenn es ein Punktesystem zur Bewertung geben würde, wären es gefühlt 100 von 10 Sterne “